mofam11 said:
I couldn't open it so obtained access to a computer with Outlook 2003
and it's now in the contacts folder of that computer so I'm ready to
start over. What's next?
Let me make sure I understand. You now have an Ooutlook instance in the
Contacts folder of which your Distribution List appears, correct? Does the
DL look proper to you is you open it? If so, you have several choices. One
is to create a new Rich Text mail message, drag the DL to that message to
atatch it, then send the message to an account accessed from the Outlook
instance where you want the DL. You can then open it and save it to the
Contacts folder on that PC or you can just drag the attachment to the
Contacts folder.
If you can't mail it, create a new PST with File>New>Outlook Data
File>Outlook 97-2002 Personal Folders File (.pst)>OK. Once that's in place,
create a Contacts folder inside of it and right-click and drag the DL to
that new Contacts folder (or use Edit>Copy to Folder). Then close that PST,
stop and restart Outlook. At this point you now have a PST you can
transport to the other PC in accordance with what you've been told in earlie
in this discussion.