My two current computers use WinXP. If I buy a Windows 7 computer, in theory
I can transfer all my files and settings with a transfer cable and its
software (Dell offers the Belkin Easy Transfer Cable). I have some questions
before trying this:
* Assuming the cable works, will it also transfer all my old programs onto
the new computer and put them in the right places so they'll work the way
they did before?
* What about settings that are stored in the Registry? Would it transfer
them--and if so, would they still work?
* Would it matter if the new computer were 64-bit rather than my current
32-bit? (I know some very old 16-bit programs won't run, but what about the
I guess the most crucial questions are whether using this kind of transfer
is safe and whether it's as straightforward as the manufacturer says it is.
If it could cause file corruption or screw up any native settings on the new
computer, I'd probably be better off reinstalling programs, copying and
pasting datafiles, and creating new settings.
Thank you!
I can transfer all my files and settings with a transfer cable and its
software (Dell offers the Belkin Easy Transfer Cable). I have some questions
before trying this:
* Assuming the cable works, will it also transfer all my old programs onto
the new computer and put them in the right places so they'll work the way
they did before?
* What about settings that are stored in the Registry? Would it transfer
them--and if so, would they still work?
* Would it matter if the new computer were 64-bit rather than my current
32-bit? (I know some very old 16-bit programs won't run, but what about the
I guess the most crucial questions are whether using this kind of transfer
is safe and whether it's as straightforward as the manufacturer says it is.
If it could cause file corruption or screw up any native settings on the new
computer, I'd probably be better off reinstalling programs, copying and
pasting datafiles, and creating new settings.
Thank you!