Transfer audio to Musicmatch Jukebox

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Please help:
I made a recording of disturbance of the peace with a VCR , transferred it to Windows Movie Maker, and now I need to know how to transfer just the audio (to Musicmatch Jukebox, where I have other such recordings I made otherwise, to make an audio of the whole bunch to burn to CD). How do I transfer just the audio from Windows Movie Maker over? I have Windows XP Home edition.
Put the video into the audio track (make sure nothing is in the video track)
and you can save an audio-only fie direct from Movie Maker

glenster said:
Please help:
I made a recording of disturbance of the peace with a VCR , transferred
it to Windows Movie Maker, and now I need to know how to transfer just the
audio (to Musicmatch Jukebox, where I have other such recordings I made
otherwise, to make an audio of the whole bunch to burn to CD). How do I
transfer just the audio from Windows Movie Maker over? I have Windows XP
Home edition.
Hello there,

All you need do is drag the entire video down onto the lower audio track. Then,
click on FILE > SAVE MOVIE and work though as if you were actually creating
your movie. The file created will have a WMA extension (Audio) and can be
imported into Music Match.

I am a retired policeman. Only the original tape can be used in Criminal
evidence (In the UK at least) In civil law there is more latitude, but not

To comply with the rules a copy can be made and the original must be sealed in
a tamper proof container. That container must have details of who recorded onto
the tape, who sealed the tape up, who witnessed that you did that and of course
time and dates. The seal must have your signature across them so that if the
seal is broken it will show up. You must then write a statement (Section 9
C.E.A) if in the UK stating that the sealed tape is the original etc etc and
that it has not been tampered with. Ideally you would hand that sealed tape to
either the police (if they are involved at this stage) or to your local

You can do what you like with the copies, but if in court something is
questioned, they will always go to the original. Its also possible that the
original will be sent to one of the sound labs and tested for editing, which
includes testing for any potion of it being erased after the recording of the
disturbance itself. What was erased can still be read by the way (in most

The CD containing the audio will not be accepted if the original recording
medium (your tape) is not available for verification.

The above MUST have a second witness if done in Scotland, and I think you have
to involve the local Sheriffs' office right from the start...but not sure about

All of the above is meant to protect you from allegations, no one else