Sorry Sharon
I Wasn't All That Specific With The First Question, What I Meant
To Say Is, How Would I Transfer Files From One Computer To
Another Just Using A Cable? (usb Or Dsl)
Or Transfer Files Wireless Between Two Computers (home-guest)
Without The Need Of A Flash Driver?
And Thank You For Your First Answer
Your welcome, Lawrence. The above answer might still work for you.
Wireless or wired, create a workgroup with the two computers and share
files back and forth. I do this with my laptop (wireless) and desktop
(wired to router that controls the network and the internet connection).
Assess what hardware is available on each system to see if this is an
option that is already within reach. If it is not immediately available,
you could invest very few $ on a couple of NICs (network adapters) and
accomplish your goal.
There are USB network cables (not the same as everyday generic USB cables)
but I've not tried them and am not familiar with how they work. Should be
able to google that topic though and come up with enough info to decide if
this is the way that you want to go or not.
There are also "transfer kits" for moving files from, say, a desktop to a
laptop but for a few transfers here and there, I think the expense would be
If one computer is at work and one at home, you may need to pull in your IT
guys to help setting up VPN or other remote connection so that you can
access your files while away from work.
You mention DSL... If you're referring to just the cable - it won't work
for connecting two computers together. You want a crossover cable to hook
up two like devices - computer to computer. Where devices are not similar
use "pass-through" or patch cables - modem to computer. Most likely the
cable provided with your DSL modem is not crossover and each computer would
have to have a network adapter (NIC referred to above).
But if you're referring to DSL service and if your ISP provides its
customers with storage space, you could upload files to that location with
one computer. Then download with another. A little cumbersome but it would
work, doesn't cost anything but time and you wouldn't need to use a flash
driver (something you say that you do not want to use).