Tranferring parameters to structs in a class?



How to transfer a parameter to a structure in a class?

In a class (MySubClass) I have defined a private structure (I don't want it
to be public) and a property {get; set} like this

private TestStruct
public int member_1;
public int member_2;

TestStruct TS = new TestStruct();

public TestStruct members
return TS;
TS = value;

In another class (MyParentClass) Doing this:

MySubClass tc = new MySubClass();
testVariable = tc.members.member_1;

works very well ! But doing this:

tc.members.member_1 = testVariable;

Doesn't work - the compiler raises an error saying:
"Cannot modify the return value of
'Application_for_tests.TestClass.variables' because it is not a variable"

So how is the correct way to do stuff like that?


Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]


You would have to declare your structure as a class. If you do this:

tc.members.member_1 = testVariable;

Then the return value of members is a copy of the TS field that is
stored in the class instance. You will be modifying the field on the copy,
and not on the instance held by the class.

Hope this helps.

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