Answers embedded.
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
tim said:
Thanks for the reply Allen but I'm not sure exactly sure on your
of a unit.
We have training courses that can be taken at any time and by anyone. So
person A can take course a, b and c one week , and person b could take
b & c another week. Plus there are refresher courses which can be attended
some one week and others another week (so that we still have a workforce
not everyone is away on a course). Does this change your help comments ?
Moving on to the tables, at this point I must add the fact that this
database has personnel records involved but mostly its a training
So if I start with an Employee Table that looks like.
NationalInsuranceNumberID - Primary Key
etc etc (all other fields that have one entry for each person)
Your Employee table looks good.
Training Company Table :-
TrainingCompanyID - Primary Key Autonumber
NationalInsuranceNumberID - linked field ?
Your Training Company table is wrong unless never ever reuse a training
company again. It seems likely that one training company will teach multiple
courses at different times, so there is a one-to-many relation between
training companies and courses. This implies that you *must* have 2 tables,
with a one-to-many relation.
Do your training courses consist of groups of people, with a lecturer (or at
least a co-ordinator) assigned to each group? If so, you do have multiple
instances of each course, i.e. a particular course can be run on multiple
occassions. If this is so, you have a one-to-many relation between the
course codes and the actual course instances. You therefore need one table
of the possible course codes (what I called "units"), and another table of
the actual course instances (occasions when a unit is taught.) Every
training database needs to be set up this way, unless there are no groupings
at all. (I guess that might happen if you have students doing unsupervised
web courses where they attend no classes, no co-ordinator, and they can
enrol in anything at any time.)
Refresher courses are "units" in their own right (i.e. they have different
pre-requisites, content, duration, and possibly expiry than the original.)
Would this be the right way ie TrainingCompany not TrainingCompany1,
TrainingCompany2 etc. If this is so how can I show all of one person's
courses with dates etc on one form so its in a list format and be able to
change any typing mistakes.
If you follow through the structure I originally suggested, you can create a
main form bound to the Learner table (your Employee table), and a subform
bound to the Enrol table. This subform shows all the courses the person has
I would also want to have other multiple entry forms because not only
do they do courses but when regulations change they also received updated
safety booklets (rev1 rev2 etc) which they must be sign for to acknowledge
its been received and this info has to be recorded for audits.
This is introducing lots of other tables as well: a Role table (the possible
roles an employee can have), an EmployeeRole table (the actual roles each
employee has), a Standard table (records of the standards that need to be
met), a StandardRole table (defining which standards need to be met for each
role), a UnitStandard table (that defines which standards are covered by
studing each unit.) From that you can design queries that tell you what
standards apply to each employee, and you can the query the rest of the
database to see if the employee has completed the courses that give them
accrediation that they have met each of the standards that apply to them.
But please: I strongly suggest you understand the tables for the other
basics down before adding this extra level of complexity to your design.
If you can reply with your comments I would be gratefull.
(ps. I have created the database fully - but have gone down the lines of
creating 45 fields for Training Company, 45 for a description etc etc and
this doesn't work. I have managed to create union queries, reports based
on expiry dates, but I dont think I've grasped the concept of how to
tables that can store multiple entries for a single field for a single
Precisely correct. It is completely the wrong track to use 45 fields for 45
training companies. As you seem to understand now, you need to use multiple
tables with one-to-many relationships instead of multiple fields.
It all boils down to *thinking* one-to-many.