Training & Certification

Jan 14, 2006
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Still new to this forum, so don't know if this is the right thing to post or not?

But, with all the talented people on this forum surely the best brains out their could help others with advice & support, who are looking to further their pc knowledge & skills through training & IT certification? Just a thought?
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Quite a few of us on this forum have been certified? by a Doctor:D
Now where was I:D
Well for those going through the joy's of ECDL, CompTIA, CCNA & various Microsoft Certification courses, always good to know you dont have to pull your hair out when you can't find an answer (not that i have any hair!)

It was just a thought, may be a bad one, i'm of to shoot myself in the foot!
feckit said:
Still new to this forum, so don't know if this is the right thing to post or not?

But, with all the talented people on this forum surely the best brains out their could help others with advice & support, who are looking to further their pc knowledge & skills through training & IT certification? Just a thought?
Not sure what your asking ... do you wan't use to run a Training program?

We help, well best we can, just by being here ... will that do?

What I meant was, like people could ask for advice or mention about pc companies, if their good or bad, the same could be done for training in IT certification. Advice on what company’s people have used, or what training aids are out there, if their free? Also somewhere for people to voice their worries about how they can go about getting decent training.

I’m still relatively new to this forum, may be this is something you have covered before or is something you don’t cover? It was just an idea, as I know when I first studied IT any help was always most welcome.

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Well Yes & No?

I know I have my own IT training right for what I do, but it's taken me a while to realise what exact path way in IT I wanted to go down. Others may not know or are undecided and help or advice often can be welcome for those who may not know were to go for the advice.

As an example I know that for some jobs in the NHS in London, they have embraced the idea of Staff under going the British Computer Society’s - European Computer Driving Licence, this is seen by managers as the must have qualification for their staff undertaking roles involving the use of Computers.
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Ah, I think I understand what you mean - a new forum for people doing computer courses etc...? I'm not sure if we have enough readers that are studying for anything at the moment, so most threads would just go in whichever forum was most appropriate, however if we get enough people that would find this useful I could make a specific section in future.
Obviously I need to work on my communication skills!

I am glad I found this forum; pity not before by parents bought their rather troublesome pc. But good to know there are others out there who can help.
