Hi Mike,
I don't get into the licensing issues, as one can rarely conclusively "win"
the arguement. I concern myself with technical aspects, IE: can it be done
or can't it. OP's question was whether or not a trial version can be
downloaded and installed. It cannot be downloaded, at least not for the
average consumer through normal channels, but it can "technically" be
installed as a trial. While it's not meant to be used as a trial (or is it?
I'm still seeking a valid rationale for this change in the PK requirement,
and inquiries on my part to the licensing team of your former employer on
this and other issues have gone unanswered), the fact that the Product Key
doesn't have to be inserted initially does allow for this in a technical
sense. While it may not be in keeping with the license agreement - and I
fully understand both the spirit of the license as well as the literal
interpretation, this does not mean it cannot be done.
Best of Luck,
Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP
Windows help -
My thoughts