Tragedy and Video Game Violence


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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I'm an advocate on keeping forums free of political and religious posting, at best, keep 'em to a minim.

There are, however, times I get really annoyed and just have to make a comment ... I couldn't have put it any better than this persons view of the recent tragedy and the media's link to video games.

... have a nice day!
I totally agree with the video and the presenter. I was wondering why the mother of the killer had licensed assault rifle and 3 pistols surely even in the US that is overkill (no pun intended). What about the young mans mental health surely someone must have noticed he had lost the plot and needed help. Also the presenter is right about the News reports on TV and the printed press was rather OTT yes I agree with you about politics and religion Mucks but in this case you are right. My heart goes out to the bereaved relatives of the children, adults and the killer they are all victims.
Every 'newspaper' reader should watch that vid, the writer and narrator speaks the truth.