Tracking time in and out

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tom Tripicchio
  • Start date Start date

Tom Tripicchio

I would like to be able to track peoples time in and out of the building. I
can have the people put their time in when they come in and out, but I would
also like the computer, in a field the person cannot see, record the time
and date that the entry was entered. My fields are pretty simple.

Person ID#
Time in
Time out

Any help appreciated.


You can use a Form for Time In and another for Time Out.

On Time In form do not display the field "Time In".

Instead in the Form_BeforeUpdate event in VBA code put this
Me.[Time In] = VBA.Now()

On Time Out form do not display the field "Time Out".

Instead in the Form_BeforeUpdate event in VBA code put this
Me.[Time Out] = VBA.Now()

Both forms would also need the PersonID field. The Time Out form must open
the record for the PersonID who is still logged in ([Time Out] Is Not Null)


Naresh Nichani
Microsoft Access MVP