I'm trying to design a database to track life insurance elections. Employees
have the option of electing insurance for themselves, their spouse and or
As far as table setup, here's what I was thinking:
fields - name, address, dob, ssn etc
fields - EmployeeID, EmployeeElectCoverage (Y/N), CoverageAmt, Premium,
SpouseElect (Y/N), SpouseCoverageAmt, SpousePremium, ChildElect (Y/N),
ChildCoverageAmt, ChildPremium etc
What I'd like to know is where is the recommended place to store Spouse
basic info (name, gender, dob, ssn) and/or child(ren) info (names, dob etc).
This is only needed if they elect coverage for their spouse or dependents.
Should it be kept in a seperate table?
There is also beneficiary information which I was planning on storing in a
seperate table.
have the option of electing insurance for themselves, their spouse and or
As far as table setup, here's what I was thinking:
fields - name, address, dob, ssn etc
fields - EmployeeID, EmployeeElectCoverage (Y/N), CoverageAmt, Premium,
SpouseElect (Y/N), SpouseCoverageAmt, SpousePremium, ChildElect (Y/N),
ChildCoverageAmt, ChildPremium etc
What I'd like to know is where is the recommended place to store Spouse
basic info (name, gender, dob, ssn) and/or child(ren) info (names, dob etc).
This is only needed if they elect coverage for their spouse or dependents.
Should it be kept in a seperate table?
There is also beneficiary information which I was planning on storing in a
seperate table.