Tracking info on sent email not updating consistently



I was wondering if anyon else has this issue:
Outlook2003 used in the Exchange server environment - I use the "read
receipt" option within my corporate network. When everyone sends the read
receipts, not everyone's recipts makes it to the tracking tab of the sent
mail. Some people's READ date and time make it , others do not. Also, if
you have the option "Process requests and responses on arrival", and "Process
receipts on arrival", AND you use the "After processing, move receipts to:
(some bin)", this does not work. You can double click to open the mail, you
can perform a SEND/RECEIVE, that darn reciept nitification just sits there in
the inbox. If you use rules, you can move it, but what's the point, your
email will not always update on the Tracking Tab that the email was indeed
read. If I send an email to 5 people, I will have all 5 receipts in my
inbox, I'll just hit delete 5 time to get rid of them, the first one I
deleted will be on the tracking tab, the other four will not. Sometimes you
have to bring the four back to your inbox and delete them again. Is there a
rule tha tcan cause and email with the specific words "Read:" or "Not read:"
to pop-open? That would definitely mark the mail as read, but it's annoying
to have to do that when you can just use the preview pane. Alas...I'm
tempted to move back down to Outlook 2000 JUST for this specific
used to work as is, no complicated setup required. Help!


We are having the same problem you are: we have the read recepts for emails,
but everyone's information doesn't make it to the tracking tab. The
department having this problem sends many time-sensitive messages to at least
20 people. It would be such a timesaver to be able to count on that tracking
tab. Can someone help?

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