Check out
They offer three versions of an application that notifies you when a
recipient opens an email you have sent. What they explained to me is that
an HTML tag is hidden in the email, which is triggered when the email is
Note the following:
(1) You must have sent the email in HTML format, not plain text.
(2) The free version of the application inserts a footer in your email that
tells the recipient that you know they've read the mail. (The two "paid"
versions insert the same footer, but you can edit the footer or eliminate it
(3) The recipient must open the message while online. In other words, if
you send to an AOL account, and the recipient runs one of those automatic
sessions that signs them on and downloads all emails for reading offline,
the tag won't be triggered.
(4) It doesn't work if you send FROM an AOL, Yahoo, Hotmail, or similar
account. (But you can send TO those accounts.)
I've been running the "Status" version, and am generally happy with it. The
biggest drawback is (3) above: Some recipients download their messages and
read them offline. But if "the one person you really need this option" for
reads online, this will suit you.
(By the way, you can avoid triggering the HTML tag that might be in an email
someone else send you by way of a registry edit that changes ALL incoming
mail to plain text. The problem with that is that it changes ALL incoming
Hope this helps.
Sue V said:
I have my e-mail default set to notify me when someone reads my e-mail.
The one person I really need this option on apparently has his set up to NOT
return a receipt. Is there any way to force a return receipt? Anyway to
track if/when a person has read an e-mail outside of this option?