tracking cookies??


Aug 25, 2005
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i have been visiting this sit equite alot recently and not a huge amount of others and i have been getting quite alot of tracking cookies picked up by adaware. Is this site putting tracking cookies on my system or is it another site??
chelseafc2005 said:
i have been visiting this sit equite alot recently and not a huge amount of others and i have been getting quite alot of tracking cookies picked up by adaware. Is this site putting tracking cookies on my system or is it another site??
List them ... ;)

Most 'tracking cookies' are benign ... install SpywareBlaster & update it, it will stop the more nastier ones dead.

my bad when i did a reformat last week i forgot to reinstall it will do it now:p if i remember i will list the cookies in this thread if i can find em and be arsed:P
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Its probably advertising cookies it is picking up - which as Mucks says are benign. Pretty much any site will have advertising from a network and uses cookies to make sure it knows not to display all ads to a single user but to spread them evenly.

Harmless I promise :D