Thanks for your input peeps.
Use a property instead of a public variable
You may want to read the whole spec at least once so that you know what is
available :
To build on Patrice's statements:
I would change the public variable (which should almost always be
avoided imo) into a public property. In the Set accessor I would
inspect the value to see if it is different than the current value and
if so I would fire off the necessary events.
Something like (untested):
Public Class TheClass
Public Property MyProperty() As String
Return _MyProperty
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
Dim isDifferent As Boolean = (value <> _MyProperty)
If isDifferent Then OnMyPropertyChanging(EventArgs.Empty)
_MyProperty = value
If isDifferent Then OnMyPropertyChanged(EventArgs.Empty)
End Set
End Property
Private _MyProperty As String = ""
Public Event MyPropertyChanging As EventHandler
Public Event MyPropertyChanged As EventHandler
Protected Overridable Sub OnMyPropertyChanging(ByVal e As
RaiseEvent MyPropertyChanging(Me, e)
End Sub
Protected Overridable Sub OnMyPropertyChanged(ByVal e As
RaiseEvent MyPropertyChanged(Me, e)
End Sub
End Class
That way you have events that can notify any listeners both before and
after the change to the property occurs.
Seth Rowe