Track Changes option causing havoc with my document



I have a long document I made a few changes to and I turned on Track Changes
so my user would have to review only what I changed. Word has now marked in
red many things I did not change (mostly numbering bullets). Also when I
update my TOC, it marks the whole thing in red even though I changed nothing
that would have affceted the TOC. When I print out the document, it has
completely changed, the font size is different and I have boxes all over the
place with arrows pointing to my document. All of the footers are so marked.
Does this feature contain bugs?


No bugs, just operator error --

1. You're seeing all the changes still current for your document, not just
the changes since you switched on Track Changes.

2. The TOC changes every time you update it, even if the content is the
same. Likewise any other fields with refreshable results, such as a date in
your header or footer.

3. If you print the document with changes displayed, then that's what you
get. There's a whole dialog full of settings to control what this looks like
(colours, use and position of change bars, use or don't use balloons, etc).
Switch them off if you don't want them.

Make a copy of your document, then experiment with all the options on the
Reviewing toolbar. There isn't really very much to understand.

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