Track Changes and Hyperlinks to Captions



Hi, I'm somewhat new to Word and at my new company we
use Track Changes very often on very large documents.
The problem we're having is that when someone edits the
document with Track Changes on, all hyperlinks to Figures
and Tables show up as changes when they haven't been
changed. We also have cross-refences to bookmarks and
these don't have this problem. It seems to just be the
hyperlinks to the tables and figures (captions). Has
anyone seen this before? Is there a work around? This
is very frustrating when you are working with a 300 page
document and you want to go through the changes, but
you're seeing a lot of things that weren't changed. Any
help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Shauna Kelly

Hi Kathy

You're not alone in feeling frustrated at this. It's a significant annoyance, but that's just the way Word works, I'm afraid.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.
Melbourne, Australia

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