Track Change Documents

  • Thread starter Thread starter Susan Dennis
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Susan Dennis

I started editing a document another secretary had already worked on in blue
but her changes were green. Mine were blue. Then when I went back to it the
following day hers were blue and mine were green. Then the following day
when I went back to it, mine were blue and hers were green. On each occasion
I saved it as a fresh document - would this have any bearing?

Any insight would be appreciated as I thought it assigned one colour for one
author but mine keeps changing even on the same computer.
I think that is to be expected: on different documents the same author may
see different colors for his/her tracked changes. What you can do is choose
a specific color (on your machine) in the options for Track Changes.
Stefan - Thanks for this. But I thought from what I had read on here that if
you selected a specific colour it changed it for all people editing it. Not
just you. How do I go about selecting one colour for me?

You are correct. If you select a single color, it is used for all markup by
all reviewers. Word still keeps track of the individual reviewers, however,
and you can switch back to By Author at any time. But when you choose By
Author, you give up the ability to control colors. Usually, you (that is,
the person currently editing the document) will be red, the next reviewer
will be blue, and so on, through all the "silly" colors if there are lots of
reviewers. But this also means that when Reviewer B is looking at the
document he/she will see his/her changes in red and yours in blue (or some
other color if there are multiple reviewers/authors).

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Thanks Suzanne. I thought so. That explains why I saw something different
from the other secretary when I opened the first document on my pc. Her note
"edited by ... in blue" had become green and my colour was blue (never ever
seen red only green and blue). However, it does not explain why the
following day her text had gone green and mine blue. Then, the following day
it was back to being the opposite. I cannot remember how many times this
happened but it was a few and the only difference was that it was a new
document - I was the same reviewer at the same computer but the blue and
green kept switching though my amendments were always the same colour and
different to the other secretary but there was no consistency between green
and blue. Anyway, from now on I am not going to put "edited by ... in ...
colour" at the top of my track change documents! Thanks again.