I have a report which summarizes shipments and shows the
values for the order. Some orders have more than one
shipment. I use hide duplicates so that the order value
will only show once for any given order no matter how
many shipments there are per order. That works great.
My problem is trying to total up the total order value in
the report footer, I have a text box in the footer with
=Sum(OrderValue), but it includes all of the order values
whether displayed or not. How do I show the value for
only the visible order values?
Order Shipment Order Value Ship Date
1 First Items 5,000 1/2/04
1 Second Items (hidden) 2/2/04
2 First Item 7,000 3/3/04
2 Second Item (hidden) 4/4/04
2 Third Item (hidden) 5/5/04
Total 31,000
I would like the 31,000 to be 12,000
values for the order. Some orders have more than one
shipment. I use hide duplicates so that the order value
will only show once for any given order no matter how
many shipments there are per order. That works great.
My problem is trying to total up the total order value in
the report footer, I have a text box in the footer with
=Sum(OrderValue), but it includes all of the order values
whether displayed or not. How do I show the value for
only the visible order values?
Order Shipment Order Value Ship Date
1 First Items 5,000 1/2/04
1 Second Items (hidden) 2/2/04
2 First Item 7,000 3/3/04
2 Second Item (hidden) 4/4/04
2 Third Item (hidden) 5/5/04
Total 31,000
I would like the 31,000 to be 12,000