I'm trying to CONCATENATE two cells containing TEXT and one cell
containing a VALUE. Then ADD up the CONCATENATED Values.
Cell A: Contains the text - SAT
Cell B: Contains the text - Win
Cell C: Contains the Number - 2
Cell D: Contains the Text - MON
Cell E: Contains the text - Tie
Cell F: Contains the Number - 1
Cell G: Contains the CONCATENATE of Cells A,B,C - SATWin2
Cell H: Contains the CONCATENATE of Cells D,E,F - MONTie1
Cell I: I'm trying to then count ONLY the numbers(2 & 1) from cells G
& H. So that the total in Cell I will equal 3
containing a VALUE. Then ADD up the CONCATENATED Values.
Cell A: Contains the text - SAT
Cell B: Contains the text - Win
Cell C: Contains the Number - 2
Cell D: Contains the Text - MON
Cell E: Contains the text - Tie
Cell F: Contains the Number - 1
Cell G: Contains the CONCATENATE of Cells A,B,C - SATWin2
Cell H: Contains the CONCATENATE of Cells D,E,F - MONTie1
Cell I: I'm trying to then count ONLY the numbers(2 & 1) from cells G
& H. So that the total in Cell I will equal 3