In an effort to do something nice for me
, my wife set up my computer and
my Pocket PC with a .NET passport. She did not know that I do *not* want a
passport. I don't have any idea how to get rid of it. I want no traces of
the functionality of the passport or the .NET stuff. Can you help me get
rid of this thing?
My reasons for the attempted annhilation: I don't like the privacy policy.
Plus I don't have any idea what this passport stuff does, and I was getting
along just fine without it.
Thanks in advance for your help.
dvt at psu dot edu
[crossposted to microsoft.public.dotnet.faqs, .dotnet.general, .pocketpc
because I don't have the foggiest notion where to go for help]
In an effort to do something nice for me

my Pocket PC with a .NET passport. She did not know that I do *not* want a
passport. I don't have any idea how to get rid of it. I want no traces of
the functionality of the passport or the .NET stuff. Can you help me get
rid of this thing?
My reasons for the attempted annhilation: I don't like the privacy policy.
Plus I don't have any idea what this passport stuff does, and I was getting
along just fine without it.
Thanks in advance for your help.
dvt at psu dot edu
[crossposted to microsoft.public.dotnet.faqs, .dotnet.general, .pocketpc
because I don't have the foggiest notion where to go for help]