total for call duration



I'm trying to total a time duration column. This is what it looks like

Call Duration

I need to total these numbers really for the end report so I may be in the
wrong spot. I can't get them to total (sum) the format should remain h:mm:ss


Marshall Barton

tri_p said:
I'm trying to total a time duration column. This is what it looks like

Call Duration

I need to total these numbers really for the end report so I may be in the
wrong spot. I can't get them to total (sum) the format should remain h:mm:ss

Assuming the duration field is a date/time field, using a
text box in the report footer with the expression
=Sum(duration) should work, except that the total is still a
date/time value in days since 12/30/1899. So you will still
have to munge it around to get any total greater than 24
hours to display the way you want. The normal(?) approach
is to keep the duration as the number of seconds in a Long
type field.

More information about where/how you arrive at the duration
value might help clarify the problem.


Thanks for the reply. I did repost this over in the report area but I am
happy to give you any more info to help.

The call duration is passed to me so it is not a calculated field it comes
as hh:mm:ss

I also think I may have explained in better and more detail in the report

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