Anyone notice that when you open a folder, the bottom right hand corner does
not show you the total size of all the files in the folder when you have the
status bar turned on? If you select a file, it will show you the size of the
fie in that spot, but not the total when nothing is selected. Why they got
rid of this in vista, I have no clue.
workaround: If you do a ctrl-a (selecting everything) it will show you the
total size.
not show you the total size of all the files in the folder when you have the
status bar turned on? If you select a file, it will show you the size of the
fie in that spot, but not the total when nothing is selected. Why they got
rid of this in vista, I have no clue.
workaround: If you do a ctrl-a (selecting everything) it will show you the
total size.