Total Crash



My son's eMachine appears to be toast. On startup you see the screen with
emachine logo - then Windows XP logo then it goes to a black screen with just
a white cursor. I have attempted to start in safe mode...I then get a
screen that has the words safe mode in all four corners and across the top is
a line as follows:
This line overlaps the two top Safe Modes in the corners.
Any ideas?
May 18, 2005
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=?Utf-8?B?TmFuY3lGLg==?= said:
My son's eMachine appears to be toast. On startup you see the screen with
emachine logo - then Windows XP logo then it goes to a black screen with just
a white cursor. I have attempted to start in safe mode...I then get a
screen that has the words safe mode in all four corners and across the top is
a line as follows:
This line overlaps the two top Safe Modes in the corners.
Any ideas?

I have an emachines, i'm on it right now, i had the exact same thing happen to me, I sent it in and they said my motherboard was fried. They did replace it. But that is coming from them. Someone else on here may have a better idea. I don't know what model you have, i have the w2785 and desperately need a better cpu fan and exhaust fan. Temps out at 52c, that is a bit too high for me and i feel that's a problem with these. Hope someone has a better idea for you but this is what emachines claimed was the problem. I reset bios, tried fresh install, nothing would work. Good luck to you.

Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)

Refer to instructions in the manual supplied as to recovering the Windows
installation, or contact the vendor..

Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/User

"If hard work were such a wonderful thing, surely the rich would have kept
it all to themselves." - Lane Kirkland


(This is a theory) emachines PCs are useless, i own one and it's had more
errors than i made in my last maths paper i took. It's had power issues of
every imaginable kind, power unit burning out and massive overheating. I am
now cursed by this bizarre "Refusal to startup" thing that plagues emachines.
Sorry guys, there's nothing we all can do. It's a better idea not to buy
something with "Economy" in the brand name. i am now going to go "re-program"
the useless thing with a very large butcher knife, goodnight.
Get a dell instead.

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