toshiba satlite power socket repair

Mar 21, 2005
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My power socket on me toshiba laptop has come loose and will not even power up at all.

Only the battery will charge thats it

There no power going to the laptop

I was given a price of 47 pounds to repair it

is this about right for this laptop
Yes. Very reasonable in fact. Don't pay until it's fixed though, for it is a tricky job.
That is very reasonable. Is it a reputable repair place you are taking it to ? As FBS says, don't hand over your cash ntil you see it tested and working properly :D
That sounds like a reasonable price for a power socket repair, lots normally need soldering onto the motherboard, so if you take labour charges into account then your not getting a bad deal there.
Be vigilant and see it working first before handing over your hard earned..