Here is my script.I'm not sure if it will not allow me to
do it because i'm using expressions or totals. Any
assistance, would be appreciated.
([Count]) AS Expr1, Sum([Errorpts2])/8/Count([Count]) AS
Expr2, Sum([Errorpts3])/12/Count([Count]) AS Expr3, Sum
([Errorpts4])/4/Count([Count]) AS Expr4, Sum
([Errorpts5])/15/Count([Count]) AS Expr5, Sum
([Errorpts6])/4/Count([Count]) AS Expr6, Sum
([Errorpts7])/13/Count([Count]) AS Expr7, Sum
([Errorpts8])/7/Count([Count]) AS Expr8, Sum
([Errorpts9])/11/Count([Count]) AS Expr9, Sum
([Errorpts10])/4/Count([Count]) AS Expr10, Sum
([Errorpts11])/5/Count([Count]) AS Expr11, Sum
([Errorpts12])/3/Count([Count]) AS Expr12, Sum
([Errorpts13])/5/Count([Count]) AS Expr13, Sum
([Errorpts14])/3/Count([Count]) AS Expr14, Sum
([Errorpts15])/3/Count([Count]) AS Expr15
FROM [Enrollment Services QA Form: Query]
WHERE ((([Enrollment Services QA Form: Query].ReportDate)
Between [Type the beginning ReportDate:] And [Type the
ending ReportDate:]))
ORDER BY Sum([Errorpts1])/3/Count([Count]) DESC , Sum
([Errorpts2])/8/Count([Count]) DESC , Sum
([Errorpts3])/12/Count([Count]) DESC , Sum
([Errorpts4])/4/Count([Count]) DESC , Sum
([Errorpts5])/15/Count([Count]) DESC , Sum
([Errorpts6])/4/Count([Count]) DESC , Sum
([Errorpts7])/13/Count([Count]) DESC , Sum
([Errorpts8])/7/Count([Count]) DESC , Sum
([Errorpts9])/11/Count([Count]) DESC , Sum
([Errorpts10])/4/Count([Count]) DESC , Sum
([Errorpts11])/5/Count([Count]) DESC , Sum
([Errorpts12])/3/Count([Count]) DESC , Sum
([Errorpts13])/5/Count([Count]) DESC , Sum
([Errorpts14])/3/Count([Count]) DESC , Sum
([Errorpts15])/3/Count([Count]) DESC;