Top Gear Rocket


Feb 23, 2002
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Did anyone just watch Top Gear? I had a call about 5 mins ago telling me to quickly turn it on as they knew I used to work on Rockets, only to just see the launch.


That was amazing! Can anyone tell me what it was exactly for, as it had a car as the actual launch vehicle?

I'm really hoping there is a repeat on, as I'd love to see the leading up part! :D
Repeated on Wednesday @7 on BBC2. :thumb:

Its in the planner, will prob watch it tomorrow night.

Did you see last week? When they went to America, and nearly got shot in Alabama!? :eek: That had to be one of if not the best episode ever! :D
They wanted to prove Jeremy wrong, by proving they could use a car to make a reusable rocket, like a space shuttle. So basically, they wanted to launch it, and bring it back down safely.

Top Gear Wed 21 Feb, 19:00 - 20:00
Jeremy, Stig, Richard and James try out the new Porsche 911 Turbo, the Mercedes SL and attempt to go out of this world in a Reliant Robin. Actor Simon Pegg is the Star In A Reasonably Priced Car.

Thats the repeat, on wednesday.
Thanks both of you! I'm going to be watching this one on wed night for sure!!!

Yeah the last week one was hilarious :D Especially the car painting ;)
Top Gear at the cutting edge of the space race & putting a Reliant Robin in to space.
Worth the licence fee if TG carry on with such great features!
V_R said:
Repeated on Wednesday @7 on BBC2. :thumb:

Its in the planner, will prob watch it tomorrow night.

Did you see last week? When they went to America, and nearly got shot in Alabama!? :eek: That had to be one of if not the best episode ever! :D

Yes - ****ing hilarious!! :lol:
"I'ma get my boyz!!"

The cow on the car was unbelievable!

I will also be watching the rerun of the rocket episode.. ;)
Good PR by the Army to let TG use the range and Eddie Stobart for providing the lorries.:thumb:
Must admit it was so funny, this series of TG is one of the best.:D