Top 5 Smartphone Cameras: The Blind Test!

Which set of images do you prefer?

  • A

  • B

  • C

  • D

  • E

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Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
I thought this was interesting.

Have a watch and see which one you prefer, no bias and no cheating. Be honest.

I preferred C from the get go and actually thought B was the worst. Also FWIW I watched this this morning on my calibrated Sony W829 TV via Chromecast in 1080p not a monitor or a phone screen, so I'd like to think I got the best look at the images I could..

Post your favourite below! Sod it, lets have a poll, we've not had one for a while. :D

No cheating!
A: OnePlus 3T
B: Samsung Galaxy S8
C: Google Pixel XL
D: iPhone 7+
E: LG G6
Actually just looked at the side by side ones again and I prefer C and D.
I was torn between C and D, and probably liked B the least too. So I was surprised by the answer! I'd be tempted by C for my next upgrade, and I didn't think that would be the case. Interesting!
I say, the presenter is an American fellow - can't we do this sort of thing in Blighty then?

That was interesting and my preferences changed to a degree with the images.

But yes, overall C or D, probably C.

But I wouldn't choose a phone for the camera, I very rarely use my ageing iPhone 4 for taking pictures. And I'm certainly never buying a new iPhone again, too expensive and too short a lifespan before redundancy.
Good idea for a thread @V_R - quite good fun to do, too :D.

I liked A or D the best, with B the worst (and I've probably got a sensor similar to B in my S7 :blush:).