it's a standard property of a commandbar control.
normally when you set the caption of a commandbarcontrol this is copied
to the tooltiptext, but you can subsequently set the tooltiptext
This does not apply to controls on a worksheet.
You could enter a comment in the cell below the control.
I've used BottomRightCell to avoid overlap (Z-order) problems.
but TopLeftCell.Offset(,1) should work as well. Depends on sizing.
Private Sub CommandButton2_GotFocus()
Me.CommandButton2.BottomRightCell.Comment.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_LostFocus()
Me.CommandButton2.BottomRightCell.Comment.Visible = False
End Sub
Following wont work with the controls you want, but may be an
if you just want a handy tooltip in a cell..
you can set a "dummy" data validation with just the "input message" tab
filled in. then.. when a user activates that cell he gets the message
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