Tooltips showing inconsistently from machine to machine




I have a Windows-based, VB.NET applicatiion where tooltips for a set of user
controls display inconsistently from machine to machine. On some machines
they all show fine. On others they don't show at all. Sometimes, on the
machines having problems, you'll see some but not all. Or, you'll get a
tooltip with one mouseover but never again. If it helps, all machines have
Windows XP and the .NET framework 1.1.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



Thanks for the advice. The code below creates an instance of a user control
and adds it to the collection of these controls that are created. The user
control consists of nothing more than a label and several context menus. The
SetToolTip method is one line of code that sets the tooltip with the argument
being the the label of the control passed in and the value of hte
stepControl.EventName property, which is a string.

I think the issue may be that the control is deeply embedded inside a number
of other controls.

Thanks again.

stepControl.ContextMenu = Me.ContextMenu

AddHandler stepControl.MouseDown, AddressOf Me.step_MouseDown
AddHandler stepControl.AddRequested, AddressOf

AddHandler stepControl.DeleteRequested, AddressOf

AddHandler stepControl.ToggleRequested, AddressOf

_steps.Insert(index, stepControl)

RaiseEvent StepAdded(Me, EventArgs.Empty)

Nikolay Petrov

you didn't post any declarations of your variables, so some things in
code aren't so clear.
all this hadlers are good, but they don't show what actually the
specified subs do.
also are you using custom control?


Thanks so much for your reply. This problem is a pain in the neck. The user
control where setting the tooltip happens is deep inside other user controls.
I actually don't think it is a code related issue because the problem is
across different computers. Some computers it works fine. Others the tool
tips don't show in certain places. The behavior is consistent and predictable
on the machines where they don't display. Doesn't that point to the way a
specific machine is configured?


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