Tools for Analysis - Samples with VBA

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mnilo
  • Start date Start date


Hello all:

I´m using a macro to get a sample for a set of data.

I´m using the vba "tools for analysis" and this is the code:

Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Sample", Worksheets("BD y
Muestra").Range("$A$1:$A$106"), _
Worksheets("BD y Muestra").Range("$E$2"), "R", 63, True

the problem I want to solve is:

when I execute the macro I get a message from Excel where I have to select
"ok" or "Cancel" or "help", I want to avoid this message or select "ok"
automatically using vba so the user don´t need to do this.

Thanks in advance

Best regards.
Untested with your particular code but try the following

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

Set it backt to True after your code.
Ok, it works.

thank you very much.

OssieMac said:
Untested with your particular code but try the following

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

Set it backt to True after your code.

sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn´t, I don´t now wy.

any other possibility?.