Sometimes, when an email you receive contains an Office attachment, the
attachment, when opened, will also open the "Reviewing" toolbar.
This applies mainly to Excel 2003, although the effect might be seen in
other versions.
The email/attachment has been sent using Outlook which has automatic review
turned on.
Outlook sometimes adds custom properties to Office attachments, including
your email address.
Another is "_ReviewingToolsShownOnce"
1) After saving these files for the first time, the "Reviewing" toolbar
shouldn't appear again.
2) Delete the custom properties
1. Open the Office document
2. Click File in the menu bar
3. Then click Properties
4. Select the Custom tab
5. Select each property you wish to remove and click Delete
3) Ask your colleagues to change their Outlook settings:
How to Turn Automatic Review Off in Outlook
Click Tools in the menu bar
Select Options
On the Preferences tab click E-mail options.
Then click Advanced E-mail options.
At the bottom disable "Add properties to attachments to enable Reply with
How can I still send documents for review?
On the File menu select "Send to"
Select "Mail Recipient (for Review)"
Andy Wiggins
Home of "Save and BackUp",
"The Excel Auditor" and "Byg Tools for VBA"