toolbar help



Somehow earlier today, I clicked something & now I lose both my taskbar on
the bottom of my screen & the toolbars on top. When my cursor goes to the top
of the screen, I can see it, but I cant get my taskbar back. Does anyone
have any idea what I did, & what I can do to get them back? I appreciate any
good ideas, and all will be appreciated.

Thanks --- M


A shot in the dark, but you might try various screen resolution settings to
see if things that are "off" the monitor view show up again. this would be
done via the personalization settings.

Another option is to check the monitor's settings. These are the buttons and
controls on the physical monitor itself, usually buttons along the front. By
stretching and shrinking your screen and doing other things you might be
able to show enough of the tool/taskbars so that you can grab it with your
mouse and pull it back up.


What Program are you talking about??????

You don't say what program this happens in!!!!

If it is happening in IE7, hit F11 key.


DP & Mick......Thanks for the advice. Im a relative idiot when it comes to a
computer. I did figure it out, but not the way DP suggested. All I did was do
a system restore to a few days ago when I did my last Windows Update. :)
Problem solved. Not sure what the hell I did, but that fixed it. Thanks
again. ---M

Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE,OE/WM

Galv_2 said:
DP & Mick......Thanks for the advice. Im a relative idiot when it comes to
computer. I did figure it out, but not the way DP suggested. All I did was
a system restore to a few days ago when I did my last Windows Update. :)
Problem solved. Not sure what the hell I did, but that fixed it. Thanks
again. ---M

If you were in Internet Explorer all you needed to do was press F11 again.

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