Toolbar customization&lockout in IE 6.0

  • Thread starter i_fix_icpremovethis
  • Start date


I am running Win 2000 and IE 6.0 with SP1 and latest
security upgrades. My browser window has somehow been
configured so that all tool bars are kind of scrunched
together along with the address line just under the web
page title line. I have disabled third party browser add-
ons. Despite reading about lock& unlock and customize
capabilities, I can not find these things when I click on
my View/Toolbars menu. Standard Buttons,Address bar, and
Links are all grayed out. I have tried clicking on Restore
Defaults under the Advanced part of Internet Tools page.
Any ideas on how I can get my browser window to go back to
looking like any other Window


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This problem is usually the result of a spyware infection. You should be
able to solve the problem quite simply by downloading the following patch
located on the following page:

BUT, before you do that, you should also know that simply unlocking the
bars through this patch is a short-term solution. Depending on the spyware, it
may very well revert back to it's locked state after you reboot. That's why you
should first focus on taking out the spyware. There are several good, and free,
programs available that are easy to use and should remove the source(s) of this

First there is AdAware, available here:

Once you download and install the program, *_ensure that you have updated
with the latest definition_*. This will ensure that you will be protected
against the latest versions of such programs.

However, AdAware may miss some variants, and therefore it's advisable to
run CWShredder to pick up anything AdAware may have missed. CWShredder is
available here:

To learn more about Spyware, how to deal with these situations, and how to
better prevent them, you may be interested in the following article:

If you are unable to view the above sites, you may need to delete your
file. You can rename your hosts file through the following steps:

1) Click on Start, then find files or folders.

2) Type the following: "hosts"
(and yes, include the quotation marks).

3) Delete the file following files if they exist:



in message | I am running Win 2000 and IE 6.0 with SP1 and latest
| security upgrades. My browser window has somehow been
| configured so that all tool bars are kind of scrunched
| together along with the address line just under the web
| page title line. I have disabled third party browser add-
| ons. Despite reading about lock& unlock and customize
| capabilities, I can not find these things when I click on
| my View/Toolbars menu. Standard Buttons,Address bar, and
| Links are all grayed out. I have tried clicking on Restore
| Defaults under the Advanced part of Internet Tools page.
| Any ideas on how I can get my browser window to go back to
looking like any other Window

Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.8 for non-commercial use <>


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