I tried your suggestion and it works to some degree. It will do the
Data-Filter-AutoFilter part OK. I still have to go to the drop down option
at the head of the column to select the 'item' I want to filter on. With the
default AutoFilter button this is not necessary - it automatically filters
on the item in the selected cell. The good news is that after I use the
AutoFilter to filer, I click on the button your advice made and it removes
the AutoFilter - which is what I was looking for in the first place - two
buttons, two things getting done - this is not all that bad.
MAYBE - I am missing something in the set up of the macro you suggested - I
think I did it right - who knows??
Thanks - now that I think about it - I knew that<G>.
Thanks for pointing my tired old mind in the right direction
Now I have a project to concentrate on for a few minutes
All I have to do is remember where I put EXCEL<G>
Hi Chat
don't know a "supplied" one, but you can create your own button & code to do
this for you - and it can work as a toggle, if there's no filter on the
range it can turn it on, if there is it can turn it off.
to do this -
1. Click in a cell in the range where you want the filter buttons applied
2. From the menu choose
tools / macro / record new macro
3. Call the macro something like (don't put spaces in macro names)
4. Store it in your personal macro workbook
5. Click the OK button
6. Now choose from the menu
Data / Filter / AutoFilter
7. Now click the little blue stop recording button on the toolbar that's
floating around your screen - that's the macro created, now to assign it to
a toolbar icon
8. From the menu choose
View / Toolbars / Customise
9. Under the Commands tab, locate macros on the left hand side, and click
on the smiley face icon and drag it onto one of your toolbars
10 With the customise box still open, right mouse click on the smiley
face icon on your toolbar and choose assign macro
11. in the dialog box that comes up choose your macro
and then
12. click the ok button - close the customise box and test out the
Hope this helps