Tool to make DLL's


John Mason


I am an intermediate web developer using Dreamweaver MX, programming in
ASP.NET 1.1 (VB.NET not C#). I am currently not using code-behind.

1. I am interested in knowing how I can compile an existing
application into DLL(s), so that the code will be inaccessable if I sell
the application to clients. What is the best tool for this?

2. Also, is is true that the files need to be code-behind prior to
compiling the code to DLL file(s)?

3. If I have to use code-behind, which tool would be best for this (for
someone who hasn't programmed this way before)?

If someone can help with all 3 questions I would very much appreciate

Thanks in advance.


Marc Scheuner

1. I am interested in knowing how I can compile an existing
application into DLL(s), so that the code will be inaccessable if I sell
the application to clients. What is the best tool for this?

Visual Studio 2005
2. Also, is is true that the files need to be code-behind prior to
compiling the code to DLL file(s)?

3. If I have to use code-behind, which tool would be best for this (for
someone who hasn't programmed this way before)?

Visual Studio 2005


Edwin Knoppert

If you don't really know ANY details, don't answer.
At least #1 and #3 are wrongly answered, #2 is very doubtfull!

VWD express is free and can be used to write excellent apps.
However, you'll need to compile manually, i'm using a .bat file to a
separate directory.
I'm using codebehind but i can not imagne code IN html is not compiled, try.

VS2005 can possibly compile from menu but that's just an handy feature.

You asked for dll(s) and indeed, there are multiple files created, not one
single dll or so.

John Mason

Hi Edwin

Thanks for your helpful responses. According to the FAQ's on the
Microsoft website, VWD Express is ASP.NET 2.0. My hosting provider
should get with the times!

Do you know of a URL that explains compiling using .BAT files?

Thanks again,


Edwin Knoppert

I forgot but google helps..

Here is my (modified to ANYNAME!) bat:

C:\WINDOWS\MICROS~1.NET\FRAMEW~1\V20~1.507\aspnet_compiler.exe -c -f -v
/ANYNAME -p c:\dotnet\myappdir1 f:\compiled
@Del f:\compiled\bin\*.bat


This will compile a complete asp app to a directory, target dir is cleared
I copy the contents of f:\compiled to my webserver.

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