Tool bars that won't stay locked



I am running windowsXP with SP2 and just recently I have not been able to
lock the tool bars. I click beside 'lock tool bars' but after I have been on
the computer for a while or sometimes when I first start it up my tool bars
are missing. They are still listed in the drop down menue but they do not
appear until I go back in and unlock them and move them where I want them and
then I'll go back in and lock them but they do not stay there. I have made
several changes to my computer but I don't think that they would have
anything to do with the tool bars. The changes were in my antivirus
programs, I had several antivirus programs running at the same time and I
found out that with that many running they sent conflicting messages and
caused me lots of problems including turning off my fire wall.

Does anyone know what might be causing this problem? I reset them several
times a day but they do not stay put. HELP!!!


someoneelsedidit said:
I am running windowsXP with SP2 and just recently I have not been able to
lock the tool bars. I click beside 'lock tool bars' but after I have been
the computer for a while or sometimes when I first start it up my tool
are missing. They are still listed in the drop down menue but they do not
appear until I go back in and unlock them and move them where I want them
then I'll go back in and lock them but they do not stay there. I have
several changes to my computer but I don't think that they would have
anything to do with the tool bars. The changes were in my antivirus
programs, I had several antivirus programs running at the same time and I
found out that with that many running they sent conflicting messages and
caused me lots of problems including turning off my fire wall.

Ramesh, MS-MVP

See if this helps.

Internet Explorer Toolbar settings are not saved?:

Ramesh, Microsoft MVP
Windows XP Shell/User

Windows XP Troubleshooting

message I am running windowsXP with SP2 and just recently I have not been able to
lock the tool bars. I click beside 'lock tool bars' but after I have been
the computer for a while or sometimes when I first start it up my tool bars
are missing. They are still listed in the drop down menue but they do not
appear until I go back in and unlock them and move them where I want them
then I'll go back in and lock them but they do not stay there. I have made
several changes to my computer but I don't think that they would have
anything to do with the tool bars. The changes were in my antivirus
programs, I had several antivirus programs running at the same time and I
found out that with that many running they sent conflicting messages and
caused me lots of problems including turning off my fire wall.

Does anyone know what might be causing this problem? I reset them several
times a day but they do not stay put. HELP!!!

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