I issued the following command. The query extracts data from a table with
58,000 rows:
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "qryTT_tblTT_DataExt", acFormatXLS, “C:\
TT_Data.xls", False
I got the following error:
There are too many rows to output, based on the limitation specified by the
output format or by Performance Challange v 2.0 (Application Name).
Where would I change this parameter ?
58,000 rows:
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "qryTT_tblTT_DataExt", acFormatXLS, “C:\
TT_Data.xls", False
I got the following error:
There are too many rows to output, based on the limitation specified by the
output format or by Performance Challange v 2.0 (Application Name).
Where would I change this parameter ?