Remember... Republicans say they are all for family values. I guess
that's why so many of them have affairs and children out of wedlock.
Anyhow there's a new name for Americans to learn. Levi Johnston.
Who's that? The 18 year old punk that knocked up Alaska Gov. Sarah
Palin's daughter who wants to be your next vice president. Here's the
funny part. According to news sources this boy right now is on some
plane headed for the Republican Convention. He will sit proudly in
McCain's personal box for all to see along side his future
mother-in-law and wave to the crowd. I guess Republicans appreciate
teenagers having sex and accordingly give them a box seat at their
So if you run for vice president as a right winger you invite the boy
to the convention that screwed your daughter behind your back. Way to
go mom! Say, was it your idea to invite the boy or was it McCains?
Must be to show the country that Palin has leadership potential. Sure,
be a heart beat away from assuming the office of president and not
even be aware your 17 year old daughter is doing it in the basement
and gets knocked up.
And you thought Bush was bad.
that's why so many of them have affairs and children out of wedlock.
Anyhow there's a new name for Americans to learn. Levi Johnston.
Who's that? The 18 year old punk that knocked up Alaska Gov. Sarah
Palin's daughter who wants to be your next vice president. Here's the
funny part. According to news sources this boy right now is on some
plane headed for the Republican Convention. He will sit proudly in
McCain's personal box for all to see along side his future
mother-in-law and wave to the crowd. I guess Republicans appreciate
teenagers having sex and accordingly give them a box seat at their
So if you run for vice president as a right winger you invite the boy
to the convention that screwed your daughter behind your back. Way to
go mom! Say, was it your idea to invite the boy or was it McCains?
Must be to show the country that Palin has leadership potential. Sure,
be a heart beat away from assuming the office of president and not
even be aware your 17 year old daughter is doing it in the basement
and gets knocked up.
And you thought Bush was bad.