Tony C
What are you trying to do here? Reading this code, it
tells me either you are attempting to open a connection or
you are attempting to use VB to create/run a query? Which
is it?
Tony C.
[frmAnalysis]![txtendate] DateTime; " _
What are you trying to do here? Reading this code, it
tells me either you are attempting to open a connection or
you are attempting to use VB to create/run a query? Which
is it?
Tony C.
parameters - but the parameters are declared within the-----Original Message-----
When I run this code in VBA it tells me I have too few
[Forms]![frmAnalysis]![txtstdate] DateTime, [Forms]!Set rstRspnsCount = dbs.OpenRecordset("PARAMETERS
[frmAnalysis]![txtendate] DateTime; " _
CountOfRspnsID FROM tblRespondents " _& "SELECT Count(tblRespondents.RspnsID) AS
[Forms]![frmAnalysis]![txtstdate] And [Forms]!& "WHERE (((tblRespondents.RspnsDate) Between