I have a query that, when I attempt to execute using code
(e.g. Set rs = CurrentDB.OpenRecordset(...)), I get a
message indicating "Too few parameters. Expected 0." If
zero are expected, then how is it too few!? What does
this error mean. Queries involved are shown below. NOTE:
ARM is one of values returned for Team in
------- Query -------
SELECT NewReportQuery1Year.FunctionalCategoryDesc,
FROM NewReportQuery1Year
ORDER BY NewReportQuery1Year.FunctionalCategoryDesc
------- NewReportQuery1Year ------
PARAMETERS [Forms]![Reporting]![FiscalYear] IEEEDouble;
TRANSFORM Sum([Raw Downtime Data With Detail].[Time
(min)]) AS LostTime
SELECT FunctionalCategories.FunctionalCategoryDesc
FROM [Raw Downtime Data With Detail] INNER JOIN
(FunctionalCategories INNER JOIN Categories ON
FunctionalCategories.FunctionalCategoryCd =
Categories.FunctionalCategoryCd) ON [Raw Downtime Data
With Detail].[Category Type] = Categories.Category
WHERE [Raw Downtime Data With Detail].[Fiscal Year] =
GROUP BY FunctionalCategories.FunctionalCategoryDesc
PIVOT [Raw Downtime Data With Detail].Team;
(e.g. Set rs = CurrentDB.OpenRecordset(...)), I get a
message indicating "Too few parameters. Expected 0." If
zero are expected, then how is it too few!? What does
this error mean. Queries involved are shown below. NOTE:
ARM is one of values returned for Team in
------- Query -------
SELECT NewReportQuery1Year.FunctionalCategoryDesc,
FROM NewReportQuery1Year
ORDER BY NewReportQuery1Year.FunctionalCategoryDesc
------- NewReportQuery1Year ------
PARAMETERS [Forms]![Reporting]![FiscalYear] IEEEDouble;
TRANSFORM Sum([Raw Downtime Data With Detail].[Time
(min)]) AS LostTime
SELECT FunctionalCategories.FunctionalCategoryDesc
FROM [Raw Downtime Data With Detail] INNER JOIN
(FunctionalCategories INNER JOIN Categories ON
FunctionalCategories.FunctionalCategoryCd =
Categories.FunctionalCategoryCd) ON [Raw Downtime Data
With Detail].[Category Type] = Categories.Category
WHERE [Raw Downtime Data With Detail].[Fiscal Year] =
GROUP BY FunctionalCategories.FunctionalCategoryDesc
PIVOT [Raw Downtime Data With Detail].Team;