Let me start off by saying that I'm working with someone else's code that I
only marginally understand. That said, here's my problem.
I have a summary report that is pulling counts of different types of things
from a query. My users have a form that they enter two controls
(txtStartDate and txtEndDate) where the enter the date range for the report
and then press a Preview Report button with the following OnClick event:
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptASPAPSummary", acPreview, , , ,
Me.txtStartDate & "%" & Me.txtEndDate.
The coding for the report is:
Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim I As Integer
Dim myStr() As String
Dim myStartDate As String
Dim myEndDate As String
If Len(Me.OpenArgs) > 0 Then
myStr = Split(Me.OpenArgs, "%")
myStartDate = myStr(0)
myEndDate = myStr(1)
getSQL (myStartDate), (myEndDate)
End If
End Sub
Private Function getNumber(mySQL As String) As Integer
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Debug.Print mySQL
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(mySQL)
If rs!TotalofaintRecID > 0 Then
getNumber = rs!TotalofaintRecID
getNumber = 0
End If
End Function
Private Sub getSQL(myStartDate As Date, myEndDate As Date)
Dim sSQL As String
Me.Text0.Caption = "Reporting Period: " & myStartDate & " to " & myEndDate
sSQL = _
"SELECT Count(aintRecID) AS TotalofaintRecID FROM
rptqselASPAPSummary WHERE adtmBHCSrcpt>=#" _
& myStartDate & "# AND adtmBHCSrcpt<=#" & myEndDate & "#"
Me.Text2.Caption = getNumber(sSQL) 'Count of requests
sSQL = _
"SELECT Count(aintRecID) AS TotalOfaintRecID FROM
rptqselASPAPSummary WHERE adtmBHCSrcpt>=#" _
& myStartDate & "# AND adtmBHCSrcpt<=#" & myEndDate & "# AND
'Me.Text2.Caption = getNumber(sSQL) 'Count of approved requests
End Sub
When I try to open the report (after filling in the dates on the form and
clicking the Preview Report button) I get the error message: "Runtime error
"3061." To few parameters. Expected 4". When I click the debug button it
highlights the Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(mySQL) line in the getNumber
I have no idea how to fix this. There are 22 sSQL statements in total, but
I've only listed the first two. I'm not going to worry about the rest until I
can get at least one working correctly.
Can someone help please?
only marginally understand. That said, here's my problem.
I have a summary report that is pulling counts of different types of things
from a query. My users have a form that they enter two controls
(txtStartDate and txtEndDate) where the enter the date range for the report
and then press a Preview Report button with the following OnClick event:
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptASPAPSummary", acPreview, , , ,
Me.txtStartDate & "%" & Me.txtEndDate.
The coding for the report is:
Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim I As Integer
Dim myStr() As String
Dim myStartDate As String
Dim myEndDate As String
If Len(Me.OpenArgs) > 0 Then
myStr = Split(Me.OpenArgs, "%")
myStartDate = myStr(0)
myEndDate = myStr(1)
getSQL (myStartDate), (myEndDate)
End If
End Sub
Private Function getNumber(mySQL As String) As Integer
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Debug.Print mySQL
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(mySQL)
If rs!TotalofaintRecID > 0 Then
getNumber = rs!TotalofaintRecID
getNumber = 0
End If
End Function
Private Sub getSQL(myStartDate As Date, myEndDate As Date)
Dim sSQL As String
Me.Text0.Caption = "Reporting Period: " & myStartDate & " to " & myEndDate
sSQL = _
"SELECT Count(aintRecID) AS TotalofaintRecID FROM
rptqselASPAPSummary WHERE adtmBHCSrcpt>=#" _
& myStartDate & "# AND adtmBHCSrcpt<=#" & myEndDate & "#"
Me.Text2.Caption = getNumber(sSQL) 'Count of requests
sSQL = _
"SELECT Count(aintRecID) AS TotalOfaintRecID FROM
rptqselASPAPSummary WHERE adtmBHCSrcpt>=#" _
& myStartDate & "# AND adtmBHCSrcpt<=#" & myEndDate & "# AND
'Me.Text2.Caption = getNumber(sSQL) 'Count of approved requests
End Sub
When I try to open the report (after filling in the dates on the form and
clicking the Preview Report button) I get the error message: "Runtime error
"3061." To few parameters. Expected 4". When I click the debug button it
highlights the Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(mySQL) line in the getNumber
I have no idea how to fix this. There are 22 sSQL statements in total, but
I've only listed the first two. I'm not going to worry about the rest until I
can get at least one working correctly.
Can someone help please?