Maciej Paras
Hello everybody! I couldn't find any Microsoft newsgroup regardnig SQL queries in ASP pages, so I decided to turn to you guys...
I've got a database, which contains 8 tables, but I want to connect two of them ("categories" and "categoriesproducts") on particular records.
This is the ASP statement I've written so far:
Dim mySQL 'SQL command to execute
Dim objPagingConn 'The ADODB connection object
Dim objPagingRS 'The ADODB recordset object
Set objPagingConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objPagingConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("../fpdb/MyDatabase.mdb") & ";"
Set objPagingRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
mySQL="SELECT idCategory.categories, categoryDesc.categories, idParentCategory.categories, idProduct.categoriesproducts, idCategory.categoriesproducts FROM categories, categoriesproducts INNER JOIN categoriesproducts ON (idProduct.categories = idProduct.categoriesproducts) WHERE ((idParentCategory.categories=1) AND (idCategory.categories<>1)) ORDER BY categoryDesc.categories"
objPagingRS.Open mySQL, objPagingConn, 1,1
Do While Not objPagingRS.EOF
response.write objPagingRS("idCategory.categories") %>blah blah blah blah...<BR>
Set objPagingRS = Nothing
Set objPagingConn = Nothing
The error message I receive in my browser tells me that there is a "syntax error in JOIN operation" (Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E14)).
Operating system is Windows2000 Server, with Service Pack 4.0 installed on it, but without MS .Net Framework. The IIS on this machine has no restrictions regarding ASP functions.
Please, can anybody tell me where did I write wrong code? I guess this must be some error within the SQL statement, but I can't really find it :-( Or please give me some address to those who can help me.
Best regards, Maciej
I've got a database, which contains 8 tables, but I want to connect two of them ("categories" and "categoriesproducts") on particular records.
This is the ASP statement I've written so far:
Dim mySQL 'SQL command to execute
Dim objPagingConn 'The ADODB connection object
Dim objPagingRS 'The ADODB recordset object
Set objPagingConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objPagingConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("../fpdb/MyDatabase.mdb") & ";"
Set objPagingRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
mySQL="SELECT idCategory.categories, categoryDesc.categories, idParentCategory.categories, idProduct.categoriesproducts, idCategory.categoriesproducts FROM categories, categoriesproducts INNER JOIN categoriesproducts ON (idProduct.categories = idProduct.categoriesproducts) WHERE ((idParentCategory.categories=1) AND (idCategory.categories<>1)) ORDER BY categoryDesc.categories"
objPagingRS.Open mySQL, objPagingConn, 1,1
Do While Not objPagingRS.EOF
response.write objPagingRS("idCategory.categories") %>blah blah blah blah...<BR>
Set objPagingRS = Nothing
Set objPagingConn = Nothing
The error message I receive in my browser tells me that there is a "syntax error in JOIN operation" (Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E14)).
Operating system is Windows2000 Server, with Service Pack 4.0 installed on it, but without MS .Net Framework. The IIS on this machine has no restrictions regarding ASP functions.
Please, can anybody tell me where did I write wrong code? I guess this must be some error within the SQL statement, but I can't really find it :-( Or please give me some address to those who can help me.
Best regards, Maciej