Tomahawk PDF+ (CareWare)

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Tomahawk PDF+

Tomahawk PDF+ gives you a complete PDF file creation suite
right on your computer. Tomahawk can also be used as an
advanced editor for rtf, txt, tmd (our own format) and other file formats.

Tomahawk v2.0.2.0 has now been released as CareWare.
This means it is free for anyone to download and use (for personal
use only) for as long as you like.

Features include:
Tables - Tomahawk supports tables and tables nested inside of
other tables. You can set the border style, background color (in both
tables and cells), border style, embed images, cell alignment, etc.
Insert or delete rows and columns into existing tables. Merge and
split cells.

Table Headers - Table header row(s) can be set to repeat on
subsequent pages during print-outs or exporting to PDF for large tables.

Background images - Set a background image for your document.
Images can be displayed as tiled, normal, or stretched. Tables can
have their own background image.

Bullets - Tomahawk supports several levels of bullets, including
the ability to use images as bullets.

Colors - Tomahawk supports text colors, text background colors,
paragraph colors, table and cell colors.

Export and Import - Import files in rtf, text, html, MS Word®,
WordPerfect®, etc. depending on what file convertors are loaded
on your computer.

Spell check - Spell check and Thesaurus are available for download!

Search and Replace text.

Embedded Hyperlink support.

Page setup with headers and footers.

Embed images inside your text with resizing capability.

Drag & drop inserting for supported files and images.

Superscript and subscript support.

Underline, Overline and strikeout support.

Paragraph spacing.

Full text search enabled in the PDF file.

Print and Print Preview.

Native Richtext (RTF), tmd (our own special format)
and txt file format editing.

Does NOT require any Acrobat® software to be installed on
your computer.

Insert special characters.

Extract and Import PDF text and images - see screenshot

Image Manager - Manipulate images on your hard drive: rotate,
invert, flip, mirror, apply color and special effects, convert entire
folder of images to a different format.

PDF output capability of:
Hiding the menu bar in Acrobat®.
Hiding the tool bar in Acrobat®.
Prevent printing.
Prevent copying.
Prevent changing the structure.
Set the margins.
Set the Title field.
Set the Author field.
Set the Subject field.
Set the Keywords.
Password protect your PDF file with an user and/or owner passwords.
Has anyone tried Tomahawk? (See below.)

I have tried PDF995 but I do not find it easy to install or use on
my XP system. Is Tomahawk a viable alternative?

The weird thing with this freeware is that you have to pay $20 to get
the help file! At least the software is free.

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