Dear TOM,
If you remember that the solution given under was recommended by yo
and which worked great for my query. Now a little more help i
required, I am sure (100%) you will be able to answer this as well.
In the same query I want to get the total of my range in date column
As this is understood that the 2 input dates that are entered do no
have a limit they can be based on any starting cell to any ending cell
So my query is to calculate no of cells used between these 2 date
including starting and ending date as well. for example the column
contains all date entries. If the first date that I entered in inpu
box was on cell b2 and the end date was on b30 then I want to to kno
that how many total no of cells are there between these two dates. I
simple words I need the total SUM of those cells used in from startin
date to ending date..
Sub AAtester10()
Dim sStart As String, sEnd As String
Dim res As Variant, res1 As Variant
Dim rng As Range
sStart = InputBox("Enter Start Date")
sEnd = InputBox("Enter End Date")
If IsDate(sStart) And IsDate(sEnd) Then
res = Application.Match(CLng(CDate(sStart)), Range("A1:A365"), 0)
res1 = Application.Match(CLng(CDate(sEnd)), Range("A1:A365"), 0)
If Not IsError(res) And Not IsError(res1) Then
Set rng = Range(Range("A1:A365")(res), Range("A1:A365")(res1))
rng.Resize(, 6).BorderAround Weight:=xlMedium, ColorIndex:=3
End If
End If
End Sub