Toggle TextBox to ComboBox

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Have a subform with a datasheet look-a-like using continuous for
Have comboboxes in certain cells with a textbox hidden at the same spo
User click the textbox and the combo replaces the textbox - cool
User picks the item using the comb
The textbox replaces the combo for good reason
Eases use of the form for reports I'll nee
Keep sheet looking like a datasheet instead of a cluttered combo mes
I coded the COMBO-To-TEXT swapper and it is O

I coded up the combo to text toggler and it works fine
What I need now is to decide which textbox event is optimal one to
code the TEXT-To-COMBO swappe
Also, any best-practices welcome
Hi Sparky,

You might want to try using the GotFocus event of the textbox to move the
focus to the combo. Then use the LostFocus event of the combo to swap back
to the textbox.