Another utility in my mind was a tray utility which, as I remember it,
has a menu option to open your clipboard and render the html with your
browser, and another menu option to stip the html of your clipboard
and render the text with notepad. I'm going from memory only, from the
first time I checked it out. At this moment, I'm having trouble
re-figuring out how to use it. Maybe I am in dummy mode or something.
The doc is a little sparse, not much beyond mentioning the functions.
o View HTML - Opens the clip file in your html browser.
o View Text - Opens a plain text version of clipfile in NotePad.
Next barrier is that there no longer seems to be any homesite for it.
Below are some basics of its identity from the readme that I have, in
case anyone knows of a web location. (Note on the name - there is at
least one other program, different entities, with same name.)
Name: ClipTray
Date: 27 December 1999
Copyright: (c)1999 Business Software
Author: Eddie Bond
I cannot say I am heartily recommending this. That would be silly
until I can remember how to use it... I swear, it did work, somehow
or other, when I'd tested it previously...
Finally I should mention too that it is tainted with a small amount
of advertising debris. Specifically: the tray menu includes an entry
for visiting their (defunct) website; and secondly, the html output
clipfile inserts their name and logo.