A fair few salient points there PotGuy, some I agree with and some I don't.
I think it's true to a certain extent that some loony councils have made us English folk feel a little guilty about waving a red cross flag about but I don't give a monkeys, I'm proud to be British and will wave my English flag if I want to.
There are now many second, third and even fourth generation immgrants from the West Indies and parts of Asia who do actually consider themselves English/British. Ever heard a fella with a turban with a Scottish accent? Quite odd. But not as odd as a white geezer I once spoke to who had a broad Jamaican accent, that really did seem strange.
Anyhow, I digress. I think the whole Saints day thing is worthless and pointless myself, each of the four saints local to the UK have fairy stories for history, it's a nonsense. And I'm not a Christian either which makes it even more insignificant for me.
I like the idea of a serviceman's day rather than a saints day, I think that really would be celebrated.
As for yesterday, St Georges Day, I done a St Georges Day disco in an Irish pub that was decked out with lots of English bunting and banners. Didn't play one Paddy tune all night.
It was a resounding failure.
Didn't get more than twenty punters in the pub at any one time I think the threat of an English based music night scared all the Paddies away for the evening. Plus, I suppose, the sun is out, it's easter and lots of folk have gone away for the weekend.
Still, worked out ok for me, finished early and got paid the same