Here is the SQL for the query
SELECT [txtinitials] & " " & [txtsurname] AS [Full Name],
tblindividual.txtcurrent, tblindividual.txtidcardreq,
tblindividual.txtmemnumber, tblindividual.txtempmemnumber,
tblindividual.txtbusinessname, tblindividual.txtlastphotorecd
FROM tblindividual
GROUP BY [txtinitials] & " " & [txtsurname], tblindividual.txtcurrent,
tblindividual.txtidcardreq, tblindividual.txtmemnumber,
tblindividual.txtempmemnumber, tblindividual.txtbusinessname,
HAVING (((tblindividual.txtcurrent)=Yes) AND
((tblindividual.txtidcardreq)=Yes) AND
Does that help?
Tony Williams said:
Hi Bob. No I put the DateAdd definition in the criteria of the field
Where would I have put your expression in the query?
Bob Barrows said:
Did you use the < operator? As in
txtlastphotorecd < DateAdd("yyyy", -5, Date())
Tony said:
Hi Marshall. I assumed the first bracket should have been ( and not )
but it still did not work. I have one record where the date is
01/01/92 and so it should have found this but it didn't?
Any idea why?
Tony Williams wrote:
I have a query that selects all records from a table but I want it
to select only records where the value of the field
txtdatephotorecd is more than 5 years ago. I have tried putting
this in the criteria for that field in the query but it doesn't
Can someone help? I've looked at the help but it doesn't give me an
example that seems to cover what I want to do.
DateAdd)"yyyy", -5, Date())
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