Today, is Englands Day


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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Will this not offend the Welsh, Scottish & Irish?
And of course those who's faiths are elsewhere??

Oh sod it, i'm proud to be English!:wave:
Happy St Georg's Day everyone!! :)

I hope it will become a national holiday one day... :rolleyes:
muckshifter said:
Yep, and we get the day off on St. Andrews day ... :p


Nicely rubbed in, that we're the only nation, probably in the world, to consider our unique day of heritage, a normal-working-day!! :(
murdoch said:
Will this not offend the Welsh, Scottish & Irish?
And of course those who's faiths are elsewhere??

Oh sod it, i'm proud to be English!

I am proud to be both English and British. :wave: This is why, unlike many Scots, Irish and Welsh, I am happy to support their national sporting teams (appart from when they are playing England of course ;) )

I do not think that most people outside England are that bothered about causing or taking offence. It is largely the English who seem to be worried about offending others - unnecessarily IMHO.
AbsoluteKevster said:
Nicely rubbed in, that we're the only nation, probably in the world, to consider our unique day of heritage, a normal-working-day!! :(

Very True - PC gone mad! :(
Uuummmm... I don't think we even have a "New Zealand" day :confused:
Probably waitangi day is the closest, & that's celebrating the signing of the treaty of waitangi rather than celebrating NZ itself.
I never even really noticed untill I read this thread.
Thats scary in itself I suppose.
I'm English, I'm proud to be English, but it's not an obsession, I don't deck the motor out with the flag of St George for instance.

I love this place, diversity and all, so Happy St George's Day youse lot :)
Rush said:
Not having it as a national holiday is ridiculous....:(

Agreed :thumb:

Odd, innit? The other three can revel in their National Identity, take a day off legit, yet we Englanders almost have to keep our heads down, for fear of being labelled all kinds of stuff - jingoistic, crusader, whatever.....

Yes, we do have a history, but - so do most other major European countries....

Actually, why is this? Why are we made to feel ashamed of who we are? Or have I got it wrong?

Dunno, but that's the feeling I get.

I love Taffs, Jocks, Paddies and even them Cornish Folks.

So why they always wanna split? This island is small enough as it is. So beats me.

Ok - rant/musing/wondering over ;)